Varicose Veins in Brief

Veins de- system sends to the heart of oxygen-rich blood back into the various sections of the body. The word "varicose" nervous framework in which they in turn end up with is an anomaly even more inflammation. These dilated veins on the skin as well as the extension of the lines look like. Veins and blue or blue color is different from the usual, may appear purple. Although such nerves can show anywhere in the body, they are to make, especially in the feet.

Signs and symptoms

can experience Sufferers swelling and even blue veins protrude from around under the skin, swelling. Nerves skin, which makes it a cosmetic problem for some contorted look under the stars. Sometimes, nerves or blood very slowly near the surface begins to thicken and may be painful.


"Varicose veins" shutdown of the system malfunction due to take place in the veins. Blood from the heart is pumped into the arteries of the legs. Oxygenated blood, and the nutrients will be provided on the lower extremities are available, the blood through the veins to the heart circulates back. Blood in the veins against gravity, is to move upwards. To the circulation of blood in the leg muscles easier, and a venous valve stops blood from flowing back down.

Shutdowns, if the wires are not in a position to facilitate blood flow to the heart is incapable. Consequently, due to venous insufficiency, the blood leaks and accumulation, taxing the nerves. Consequently, extended swollen veins and twisted. Aging or hormonal abnormalities may be responsible for the degradation of shut-off system. The inheritance could out in the family. Pregnant women or those who are overweight, are at risk of developing this condition.


After a long standing varicose veins experience extreme discomfort and heaviness in the legs with a lot of people. See striking blue veins protrude on the skin, with a restlessness, pulsating, is likely to experience swelling, and in some cases, excruciating pain in the legs. Stay physically active help, as the muscle tissue blood can pump out of the circulation.

A varicose vein sclerotherapy or laser surgical procedure the patient go to the damaged nerves can it look less prominent. Radiofrequency ablations, endovenous laser treatment, and also some jitters process techniques that can be used to treat this problem.